Join me for this online ceremony, intention setting, integrate the gifts & challenges of 2022 with gratitude, and call forth your vision with clarity for 2023 in the Spirit of Community.
We will close with a collective sound healing Singing to our Sisters in Iran fighting for their fundamental human right to be seen. We have come a long way, and the spiral of life continues to remind us there is always room for more growth and awareness.
Together We Will Rise!
Are you ready to begin the new cycle in a super high and conscious frequency as we transition into 2023?
We will sing Songs to open our hearts and give honor to Pacha Mama, weaving different traditions from all Gaian Stewards and cultures to ground and embody your intentions. Let’s share and connect with consciousness in a loving and ceremonial space. Let’s Celebrate your victories and release what no longer serves you, so you can fully step into the best version of yourself for this next cycle.

join me for a beautiful online circle of Light Activation
as we create an intentional space for activating our specific blueprint and codes with clarity to step into a fuller version of yourself for 2023, activating your highest potential.
Do you want to end 2022 with integration, clarity, and closure? And set the tone for 2023 feeling embodied, connected, and with clear intentions?

What did you receive in this past cycle? How have you grown?
What did you learn about yourself? What is the most valuable lesson you have gained from this year?
As we near the End of the Year and the End of this huge long cycle spoken of in many sacred texts as the end of an era, the energy is ripe for reflection on all the challenges and victories of the last cycle of 2022 and beyond. Bring yourself into the presence of this moment so you can consciously co-create the Golden Age and play your part.
As we approach the end of the year, it is the perfect moment to bring focus and intentions toward the next spiral.
We all have similar struggles; they just manifest in different ways. Feed your Soul with other people’s journeys, similar yet different to yours, so you can realize we are all in this together! End the isolation and feeling so alone. Feel more alive, more grounded, and more centered. This is something you just can’t put a price tag on- it’s worth investing in yourself as your present to yourself

Our true power as humans lies in our remembrance of who and what we indeed are

Invocation for this coming cycle
Guided Heart Meditation
Embodiment Practice
Light Codes Activation
Collective Prayer for Gaia